Pakistan to Germany Study

Cologne Business School

About CBS

Cologne Business School (CBS) is an internationally orientated, state-recognised university of applied sciences and counts as one of Germany’s top Business Schools. It is located in the metropolis Cologne and was founded in 1994

  • Small study groups and intense student support by the professors
  • Close contact to well-known international enterprises from all sectors
  • Excellent Service and State-of-the-Art Technology
  • Very practical and career oriented
  • Most study courses are taught in English

Master's Program

  1. Bachelor’s degree in related field of study
  2. Good grades in all fields
  3. English programmes: TOEFL or IETLS or alternative English certificates, German programmes: DSH or the TestDaF or equivalence

Bachelor's Program

  1. Equivalence of secondary certification (e. g. A-level, Baccalauréat, Matura etc.)
  2. English programmes: TOEFL or IETLS or alternative English certificates, German programmes: DSH or the TestDaF or equivalence


  1. Private university
  2. International lecturers and rigid organisation enable efficient, forward-looking studying
  3. Small study groups

Living in Cologne

More than 2000 years’ history and a population of more than one million, Cologne is the fourth largest city in Germany and the largest city of North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition, Cologne lies in the centre of Europe: The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg are nearby.

Travel Europe on Student Visa

Besides studying, living in Germany provides you with an opportunity to travel across various countries. With a German student visa, the student is allowed to travel to 26 European countries without any restrictions.

Ready to begin your education in Germany?

Let us help you fulfill your dream of getting the best education the world has to offer