Pakistan to Germany Study

Pakistan to Germany Study

About P2GS

P2GS is a non-profit and self-sustaining educational guidance center located in Islamabad and Karachi that focuses directly on sending Pakistani students to Germany for tuition fee free higher education, both Bachelor’s and Master’s programs. It offers a vibrant range of services in the market including German language courses in Pakistan and special scholarships for extraordinary students.

The application process is one of its kind in which students will be able to follow the progress of their admission status along the way. It will be completely transparent thereby allowing the students to be equally part of the procedures.

Our Incredible Team

Team of specialized career counselors, educationists, instructors, marketing and IT

Why P2GS

P2GS is a unique consultancy firm that shows Pakistani students the path to tuition fee free education opportunities in Germany!

Countless programs and courses to choose from the best universities Germany has to offer

CEO's Message

After serving in Pakistan Army for 40 years, serving in Germany for 7-8 Years, visiting over 50 countries and retiring as a Major General, decided to contribute for my country and it’s great nation.

After analysis, I realized that Pakistani’s have great potential but lack in quality university education. Young citizens have urge to learn but they lack opportunities. I looked around the World and searched for a country which offers equal education opportunities to even international students, where education system is top of the line and expenses are least.

Germany – a country known as “Land of ideas”, provides equal education opportunities to all international students, education system is excellent and the best part is that there’s NO TUITION FEE in BSC, MSC and PhD programs. You must be surprised but it is true. Therefore I decided to start guiding students about how they can avail these great educational opportunities as well as offer them the best programs.

Maj. Gen. (R) Shaukat Iqbal (HIM)

ceo & Managing Director p2gs

Exciting Camps

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What People Say About Us

Mix reviews from our social media & google reviews

Highly recommended for students who want to pursue an academic career in Germany or learn German language through native German teachers.
This is the only Consultant who would care for you even after you arrive in Germany I say that its is the best of its kind! Thank you for the great experience.
Daniyal Ibrahim
P2GS is a place of guidance where students get reccommeded easily with a chance to learn the German language through Natives and start their further education journey in Germany.
Arjumand Ali

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